Our History
Highbury House has long been a hub of the Birkenhead community. Originally run out of the All-Saints Vicarage on Hinemoa Street, it was established 45 years ago as part of the 1979 Birkenhead Community Project. The House's primary purpose was to provide a venue for community activities and a crèche, enabling mothers to participate in activities or have some time for themselves.
Since 1990, Highbury House has been located at 110 Hinemoa Street, historically the old local New Zealand Police station – even the historic wooden jail cells remain!
Nowadays, this lovely villa is revitalised with energy. Still committed to its original purpose, the House remains a place for people to connect, learn, share, and grow and each day it becomes a vibrant hive of activity for many members of our community, both young and old.

Hinemoa Street from Highbury Corner 1980's
Image source: Auckland Libraries Hertiage Collection

1955 Photos
courtesy of The New Zealand Police Museum
Collection 2023/29/5
(Left) Birkenhead South Police Station (and policeman's home)
(Middle) Jail Cells
(Right) Garage for Police car