Early Learning Centre
Proudly serving our local community for over 30 years
The Highbury House Early Learning Centre is licensed for 25 children from birth to school age, creating a wonderful, nurturing environment with higher-than-regulatory teacher/child ratios.
Our superb reputation in the community and the sector attests to the quality of the service we provide due to the dedication and passion of our teaching team and the commitment of our governance and management team to provide excellent service.
A primary strength of HHELC is the relationships built here. Teachers are highly attuned and responsive to the children's needs and learning.
Monday - Friday*
Full day
* school terms (with some variation)

Highbury House Early Learning Centre offers a high quality, child-centred service that highly values community, connections and relationships.
He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people.
Per child
Half Day:
Half Day with 20 Hrs ECE
Full Day:
Full Day with 20 Hrs ECE
+ $150 One-off enrolment contribution per child
Our philosophy
Highbury House is a home away from home where everyone is nurtured, loved and encouraged to grow and learn alongside others in a beautiful and calm environment. We value children as taonga (treasure) and view childhood as a time to slow down and to joyfully explore, inquire and wonder.
We value and prioritise:
Social-Emotional competence
Respect for ourselves and others; social and cultural awareness; fairness; relationships; effective communication; feeling secure, a shared understanding, well-being and a powerful sense of belonging for all, equitable and value-based practices, Growth mindset
Family, community and connections
Inclusiveness; key teacher relationships; mixed ages; whānau participation and partnership; social events; learning and growing together; culture, language and identity; connecting to home, nature and the wider community; authentic and deep relationships
Dispositional learning through play
Courage and curiosity (taking an interest), trust and playfulness (being involved), perseverance (persisting with difficulty, challenge and uncertainty), confidence (expressing a point of view or feeling), responsibility, rangatiratanga (self-determination/courage); whakatoi (cheekiness, curiosity, confidence); manaakitanga (supporting others); aroha (respect and loyalty); hūmārie (kindness) and whakahī (pride), reciprocity, creativity, imagination and resilience.
We create a centre culture, plus teaching and learning practices at Highbury House that:
are underpinned by Te whāriki, the NZ Early Childhood Curriculum
recognise that Māori are the first people of Aotearoa New Zealand and upholds Te Tiriti o Waitangi
weave te reo and tikanga into our curriculum in an authentic way
are inquiry based and identify, support and extend children’s learning
are intentional and well considered, supported by qualified kaiako who recognise the uniqueness of each child and their whānau and knows them well
promote the use of open-ended resources and learning experiences that are challenging, real, relevant and rewarding
support developing skills and love of literacy, math and science
encourage story-telling; dramatic play and the arts
promote physical capabilities, confidence and skills
supports children to develop a strong learner identity
are joyful, playful and often spontaneous
promote a growth mindset and the development of powerful 21st century learners, thinkers and contributors
Handy Links

Please complete our waitlist enrolment form and send back to us. You need to email to elc@highburyhouse.org.nz
If you have any questions please contact us.